April 15, 2023

Creative Outlets

A Place to Place Places

I joined forces with a few friends to start creating an adventure (for bastards. but it really should be usable for any Old School game.) It was exactly what I needed!

Since I quit dungeon23 I’ve had this idea for a place in my head and it has rumbled around keeping me form working on much else, even causing a bit of a slow down in my blog writing (sorry bout that), but I sat this morning and got some of the stuff out that I had hoped to put into my D23 stuff. it was like Athena bursting from Zeus’s head, it felt liberating, it was exciting, I feel energized to have been able to get some of it out and actually let some of the ideas materialize into something that could end up being usable.

We decided to try out Notion as a platform for working together. So far it seems alright. I have enjoyed the experience on the laptop, but have not tried to play with it on mobile, yet. There are some cool features to play with and I enjoy the customization that it affords when collaborating. We are only sharing a workspace, we have not created a team thing or whatever they are called (though The Halfling’s Lab does have a ring to it!)

More updates will come in time, but here is a sneak peak at a map that is the basis of one that will likely get included in some form, I have already changed this layout since I first created this at 6 am this morning; I know my numbering is all funky, seriously I had not even finished my first cup of coffee yet! This only started like two days ago but it was enough to ignite a bit of a fire in me and get me excited about creating, I hope this allows me to get past my little slump in forest bastards and work on finishing up some detail in there. I also purchased Publisher from Affinity so no more playing the system with different emails and trial products.

Are there enough loops and ways to the exit? I think so, but I’ve already altered the paths a bit since this screenshot was taken!

Also since I’m here writing I recently received the Whitehack 4E (excited to write about the changes in this one, I’ve been following WH since 2E), Down We Go (can’t wait to play this one and then eventually write about it), and have been playing a game of Alien RPG with my kids at school (Chariot of the Gods, I think I’m close to being able to write about our experience).

Sitting in my classroom early morning, had the 3E booklet in my desk… You never know when you might want to read through some great refereeing advice.

It is school break this week so I plan on getting a few articles typed up (maybe tackling some of those old reviews I’ve been meaning to get around too… Spooky, Alex)

Here’s to a week of productivity!

Derek Bizier, The Feeling Motivated” Halfling Master

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The Awards 2023 Recognition is often scarce beyond the small tribe of people you have gathered with for your TTRPG creative collectives. It is rare to be called out
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An Emo adventure for Troika! This is dedicated to a younger me. One that screamed about my infidelities, a me that believed that all of October would be blue, and I would