March 11, 2023

Creating Jam

I missed the window for the cheap affinity purchase… oops. So I have not been creating things like I started a few months ago. This is unfortunate because there is so much stuff that is becoming clear to me about what I want to make. I want to create bastards. stuff. I will be reworking my forest bastards procedurally generated forest adventure. Here is a screenshot of a very early rendition of what it will maybe look like.

I applied for a new 30 day free trial of Affinity… Yeah I’m that guy, I’ll buy Affinity when it next goes on sale. I need to figure out how to play with pictures a bit more and then also figure out some actual crap to add to the original. Thoughts or suggestions are obviously welcome, even though I may not follow any of the advice. I have already even changed the look of this as it is in this screen shot.

My goal for the time being is to plug away on this in my free time. Now to go do my homework for my grad class I’m currently avoiding working on.

Special thanks to ManaDawn Tabletop Games (formerly ManaRampMatt) for creating the adventure template I will be using. While you are on do not forget to check out the new bastards. character keeper I created and Ian Laird improved (he pearlescentified it, I had a rainbow theme but I think this is way more visually appealing). We are going deep on this and you should check out the Year of the bastards. jam going on now and add your own cool adventures.

Also I submitted a 12 word RPG to the 12 Word RPG Jam. It is not anything special but it does fulfill the requirements, and it does produce a very FKR style game, just add setting.

Derek Bizier, the Halfling many emails, so I can get a bunch of free trials” Master

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